What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag: Your Checklist

Are you looking for the best pregnancy hospital bag checklist? Look no further! We have everything you need to remember, are likely to forget, and a few things you didn’t know you needed. 

Don’t leave packing to the last minute between contractions! 

We have conveniently placed your packing list into categories to help you visualise what you will need to bring. If you feel nervous about forgetting things or not being prepared, these lists will be your guide. 

Don’t worry—we've got you!

Your Hospital Bag Essentials List:

There are some essential items you will need in your bag that absolutely cannot be left out. You will notice we have added 5-10 baby outfits to the list. Baby clothes are likely to get wet and dirty from breastmilk, baby vomit, baby pee and baby poop. 

Your newborn will need two layers of clothing to stay comfortable in the hospital air conditioning. The first layer is a singlet, and the second is a long sleeve onesie. As babies cannot regulate their temperature, it is also a good idea to have a beanie to keep them warm if the room is particularly cool. 

If you are in a hot climate, you can adjust the outfits to one layer using a thin onesie when you leave the hospital. If you have a natural birth, you may only need five outfits. However, women that have cesareans stay in hospital for longer and will need plenty of supplies. 

If you haven’t picked a bag yet, you might like to check out our luxe collection of nappy bags that can double up as your hospital bag.

Take a look at this list and see how prepared you are.

  • Baby’s first outfit (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • Spare baby outfits x 5 for a natural birth, 10 for cesarian
  • Baby beanies x 2
  • Baby’s going home outfit (SUPER IMPORTANT)
  • Baby wraps x 2
  • Phone charger & phone
  • Your birth plan
  • Insurance card and papers
  • Hospital admissions forms pre-filled out
  • Your ID
  • Comfortable baggy clothing for you to go home in
  • The baby car capsule (make sure it is for newborn weight and has been installed by a professional well before your due date)
  • The camera and charger (if you are using something besides your phone!)
  • Cord Blood Kit (if you are opting to keep it)

Your Hospital Bag Labour List:

Even women that are having elective cesareans can go into labour. It is always a good idea to be prepared for a long labour, so we have added all the basic necessities you could need while in labour. Obviously, they can be used after too! Hospitals can provide some things on this list, but many women prefer to have their own products. It is also nice to have the things that comfort you at home, like your favourite pillow and blanket. 

  • Your choice of maternity sanitary pads (you may prefer them to hospital options)
  • Your choice of mesh maternity underwear (you will definitely prefer them to the hospital options)
  • Bodywash
  • Toothbrush and paste
  • Hair ties/ headband or clips (for long hair)
  •  Your comfort essentials- music, massage oil (for your partner to use on you), hot water bottle, favourite pillow and even blanket.
  • 2 x Comfortable large nighties or pyjamas to wear before birth and after. 

Partner’s Hospital Bag List

There is nothing worse than your partner having to leave you to collect things from home before or after the birth of your baby. You all want to be as close as possible. You can avoid unnecessary trips by packing for your partner.

  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush and paste
  • Travel pillow or small pillow
  • Snacks
  • Spare clothes, including underwear and socks
  • Pyjamas 
  • Charger and phone
  • Headphones

Mum’s Hospital Bag List

These are the things you will want with you in the hospital. Keep in mind, items like breast pads will be new to you. You may want to try a particular brand or look at eco options. We have also added makeup for those mums that would like to touch up. However, you are unlikely to use it much!

  • Facewash
  • Lip balm, moisturiser and makeup
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Robe for when visitors turn up
  • Underwear x 5
  • Reusable Breast pads
  • Nipple cream (make sure it is baby safe)
  • Socks with grip x 2
  • Maternity bras x 2-3 (must be washed daily)

Baby Hospital Bag List

While most of this list is covered in the Essentials List above, there are some extra things you may want to bring or choose your preferred brand instead. Nappies are definitely a personal choice these days. Many parents are looking at greener options. Take a look at the list below and research the products you may want to try and have in your home and M&B. nappy bag.

  • Burp cloths x 3-5
  • Nappy cream (if you want to choose your own)
  • Receiving blanket
  • Baby bath wash (if you want to choose your own)
  • Baby lotion
  • Nappies (your choice)

When to Pack Your Pregnancy Hospital Bag

The general rule is to have your bag packed by 32-35 weeks. If you are reading this and you are 36+ weeks, don’t panic! Just look at the Essentials List above and start there. Don’t forget there is always a gift shop or pharmacy in the hospital selling baby clothes, breast pads, sanitary pads and all the emergency things you might need. It will not be a disaster if you forget something. It’s just nice to feel prepared when the baby is coming, so follow the lists, and you will be fine.


Save these lists to your phone as a PDF or download and print to tick off:

PDF download here.

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A Willow - Tan leather backpack with a Mother and Baby logo on it.

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A Willow - Black leather backpack with the word vg on it by Mother and Baby.

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