7 unexpected things you should have in your nappy bag

Forget about the eyes—a nappy bag backpack is a window into a mother's soul. It contains everything you could possibly need to take on the day with your mini-me by your side, and everyone has their own style when it comes to what exactly this means.

Of course, all mums will have the requisite baby accessories: nappies, wipes, bottles, baby toys, and snacks. But then there are those added extras that might not be so obvious. Today, we're sharing seven unexpected but undeniably valuable items that all mums should include when packing their nappy bags.

Read on for the unexpected nappy bag checklist. Some of the entries may surprise you!

1. Ziplock Bags

In a nappy bag, as in the kitchen, Ziplock bags come in handy in several different situations. Whether you have leftover food, a leaky bottle, or a dirty nappy with nowhere to dump it, a Ziplock bag can save the day every time. Try to include different sizes for different uses, and look into the reusable kind if you want to keep it green.

2. A Full Change Of Baby Clothes

Babies are cute and tiny, but they can make big messes. From leaking nappies to baby sick, your little one’s outfit might not stay nice the whole day. With an extra outfit, you’ll have baby cleaned up and looking pristine in no time!

Don’t forget to include a change of shoes—babies are notorious for kicking one off without you noticing.

3. Wet-Dry Bag

If you’re planning to (or already using) cloth nappies, you’re most likely already familiar with the wet-dry bag. For those of you who haven’t heard of the wet-dry bag, they’re an excellent reusable solution for storing anything that’s not-so-nice separate from everything else.

They’re made of durable waterproof material (or lined with one) and are great for storing used nappies, dirty clothes and anything else you want to keep separate.

4. A First Aid Kit

You probably already have plasters packed, but it can be a good idea to go one step further and include a first aid kit in your nappy bag. Not only will you be covered in case of emergency, but a first aid kit also contains handy items for everyday uses like scissors, safety pins and tweezers.

While we’re sure you’ll keep your little one safe, they have tiny little fingers and curious natures. You never know when you’ll need those scissors to untangle your little one from your friend’s long hair or use the tweezers to dislodge something they’ve stuffed in their ear or up their nose.

If your nappy bag has multiple compartments, you could collate First Aid supplies yourself into a pocket or start with a pre-packed kit.

5. A Change Of Shirt For Mum

Just like your little one could soil their clothes, you could end up with baby sick or nappy contents on your clothes or end up overflowing your nursing pads. However, a quick change of shirt (and bra if you have room) might just save the day and stop you from having to wander around with a dirty wet patch on your shirt.

Don’t forget that wet-dry bag to put your dirty shirt in!

6. Hand Sanitiser

Even before COVID, a mini bottle of hand sanitiser was a great thing to include in your nappy bag. Especially with newborns, you need to make sure that your hands are clean and germ-free before feeding or touching your baby, and a sink isn't always readily available. Luckily, now hand sanitiser is a staple of every type of bag, so, likely, you'll always have it to hand.

Our favourite is Dr Bronner's Hand Sanitising Spray in Peppermint as it doubles as an air or fabric freshener, perfect to use after smelly incidents.

7. Portable Phone Charger

Your phone is your lifeline. It holds the keys to all of your important appointments and contacts. You’ll also need it to snap cute baby pics and IG worthy Mumma selfies. If you're out and about, you'll likely be relying on it a lot.

A portable phone charger is your ultimate backup plan. They’re relatively cheap, take up only a tiny space and charge faster than the USB port in your car. The best part is they work everywhere—from the park to the beach, the mall and your friend’s house. Don’t forget to order an extra charging cable to keep with your portable phone charger!

Your Ultimate Nappy Bag Backpack Checklist

If this seems like a lot to include in your nappy bag, don't worry. Our nappy bag backpacks are generously sized with several different volume internal pockets, so you can be sure you'll be able to fit everything you need—from lollipops to your laptop.

Our bags are sturdy enough to withstand anything your little one can throw at you while still looking luxurious and stylish. Stay super organised with a specially designed faux-leather nappy bag backpack. Browse our entire collection today.
Baby bag Lyla - Black M&B.

Lyla - Black

A Willow - Tan leather backpack with a Mother and Baby logo on it.

Willow - Tan

A Willow - Black leather backpack with the word vg on it by Mother and Baby.

Willow - Black

Baby bag Alora - Black M&B.

Alora - Black




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